Multi language features on Barkeeper websites

Your Barkeeper website can be displayed in any language. Here we explain how that works when you use our built-in optimized templates, and how easy it is for your visitors to use.

Multi language features on Barkeeper websites
Photo by Aslı Yılmaz / Unsplash

One of the main design goals for Barkeeper was to make it a multi-lingual and multi-locale tool from the very start. Because of this, we built our site generator and backend tools with this functionality in mind.

Using the demo website, Bear Osaka, as an example - we can see how simple the this functionality is for end users to use.

On the homepage

On the homepage, a language toggle is visible immediately on the top left of the page. This is accessible both in mobile and desktop views.

The language toggle menu on our homepage

Clicking or tapping on the toggle button will show the language selector dropdown. All currently supported languages will be shown for the end user to select.

The language toggle expanded to show the supported langauges

What about language detection?

Your visitor's web browser sends a list of languages which they prefer to read. We can use this information to know if we are displaying the content in the language that the visitor prefers.

While forcing a redirect or automatically assuming the language is a bad user experience - we do take some action on the Barkeeper websites to steer the user to their preferred language, should they wish to use it.

Next to the language selector on the homepage, we will display a prominent button to allow the user to pick their preferred language if it is available.

Our "locale hint" button on the homepage to allow easy switching to a visitor

On all pages

On the footer of every page, in the bottom right, there is a secondary language toggle menu. This menu also shows the current language selected.

The language toggle on the footer of every page

Clicking or tapping on the toggle button will show the language selector dropdown. Unlike the homepage, which is always available in every locale, there may be fewer language options in this menu as it depends on the content and its localisation settings.

The language dropdown in the footer with its available languages shown

If the website is configured to use our optional AI translation features, then all languages will be available. However, we of course recommend that all content be localized by a human.

Language detection is used on all other pages too

At the bottom of every page we also show a link which allows a user to select what we think is their preferred language based on their browser settings.

Screenshot showing the "switch to English" option on Japanese content

This will always show when the content on the page does not match the detected preferred language for the browser.

SEO Considerations

It's important to consider SEO when generating multilingual content for a website. To make this easier, Barkeeper automates some of the more tedious aspects of this so you don't event have to consider it

Canonical URLs

The Canonical URL is a special type of tag which lets search engines know that the specified URL should be treated as the "true" source of this page. We set the Canonical URL automatically to the default language version of your website.

You can, however, set per-locale canonical links to improve search results for some content.

HREFLANG and other meta tags

There are special types of link tags that can be used to tell a search engine that content on a page is available in another language. This helps search engines understand content and helps the localized version of the content to be correctly indexed.

We also support the social media tags for Twitter (now X), and Facebook / Instagram. These also have the option to send localized URLS for languages too.

Search engines can use a combination of all these tags when deciding which content to index and which content to show to users. This makes setting them very important.

Examples of our hreflang and canonical URL tags to help your search engine optimisation

Wrap up

Our powerful multi-lingual features allow you to reach your visitors in any language. To make this as easy as possible for your visitors we make sure that language selection is easy and consistent across every single page in your Barkeeper website.

We also make sure that localized content is correctly highlighted to search engines so that even more of your potential future visitors can be reached.