News Featured Barkeeper Release Postponed to focus on FacetScore We’re postponing Barkeeper’s launch to focus on FacetScore, our AI-driven platform for business performance and customer satisfaction. FacetScore includes key Barkeeper features and more. Barkeeper will launch in late 2025, integrating seamlessly into FacetScore for existing users.
News Barkeeper リリース延期のお知らせ その間、業績評価と顧客満足度分析のAIプラットフォームFacetScoreに注力します。FacetScoreはBarkeeperの機能を拡張し、幅広い業種に対応します
News Nekotachi is now Arkilon Ltd Nekotachi is now Arkilon Ltd—a new name that reflects our global ambitions and future-focused vision. Our refreshed branding symbolizes connection, growth, and honors our history. As we step into 2025, we look forward to building a bright and exciting future together.
Barkeeper Featured Gain insight with our Competitor Dashboard Curious how your bar measures up to the competition? Barkeeper's new Competitor Dashboard has you covered. We listen to what customers are saying about you and your rivals, giving you a clear picture of where you shine and where you can improve. Stay one step ahead in your local scene!
日本語 Barkeeperの標準テンプレートは、お客様のビジネスをオンラインで際立たせるために設計されています 検索エンジン最適化(SEO)とソーシャルメディアエンゲージメントに焦点を当て、ウェブサイトの可視性と効果を最大化します。 本記事では、ページパフォーマンス、モバイル最適化、メタデータと構造化データ、ソーシャルメディア統合、そしてセキュリティという5つの重要な分野における私たちの取り組みを詳しく解説します。これらの最適化がどのようにしてより多くのトラフィックを生み出し、ユーザーエンゲージメントを高め、最終的にはお客様のビジネス成長につながるのかをご紹介します。
Barkeeper Featured Getting your venue seen with Barkeeper One of the most important jobs a website has is to drive business to your venue. This means it has to be optimized to show up in search results for as many new visitors as possible.
Barkeeper Featured Multi language features on Barkeeper websites Your Barkeeper website can be displayed in any language. Here we explain how that works when you use our built-in optimized templates, and how easy it is for your visitors to use.
日本語 Barkeeperウェブサイトの多言語機能 Barkeeperのウェブサイトは、どの言語でも表示することが可能です。ここでは、内蔵の最適化されたテンプレートを使用する際の仕組みと、訪問者が簡単に利用できる方法について説明します。
News Featured How do we provide SSL for custom domains? One of the technical hurdles we had to solve with Barkeeper was how to securely and safely serve our customers' pages over SSL while also allowing for custom domain names for any location or group.
Barkeeper Featured Barkeeper Launch Languages Barkeeper is intended to be used by people all over the world. This block post explains how we support multiple languages.
Barkeeper Featured Introducing Vector: Peace of Mind for your venue We remain dedicated to innovating tools that benefit our community and the hospitality industry alike. Vector adds to our groundbreaking tool, Barkeeper to enhance venue securituy
日本語 最新製品「ベクター」のご紹介 コミュニティとホスピタリティ業界の両方に利益をもたらす革新的なツールの開発に引き続き専念しています。ベクターは、会場のセキュリティを強化するための画期的なツールであるバーキーパーに追加されます。
Barkeeper Using AI to calculate a fair review score for a venue In this post, we explain how we use some AI and old-fashioned content scraping to generate a fair review score for a venue. We call this "FairScore" and it makes up part of our product, Barkeeper.
Barkeeper Designing a static / dynamic website builder hybrid Barkeeper's website generator allows customers to build great website for their venue without having to worry about things like mobile friendliness, search engine optimization or any of those other headaches.